My Email Network – My Email Network Access All Your Emails, Plus Email Tips Sat, 06 Jul 2019 18:01:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 My Email Network – My Email Network 32 32 How To Delete Emails In Gmail – Video Tutorial Sat, 06 Jul 2019 17:43:20 +0000 Gmail is known for having a simple user interface, and features for every type of email users. However, deleting emails can be a confusing task to some, and it can be a challenge to delete large numbers of emails at once. In the following video, we’ll show you how to delete a single email, or multiple emails with a few clicks! Learn how to delete emails in just a few seconds.

Also, we listened to your requests and launched a YouTube video! Be sure to subscribe here to our YouTube channel and like our first video below. Also, if you have any ideas or questions, be sure to leave them in the comment, and we’ll try to make a video tutorial for it. As always, thank you so much for your support!

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10 Gmail Tricks and Tips To Help You Master Your Email Wed, 20 Feb 2019 20:01:48 +0000 If you thought Gmail was cool, wait till you learn some of these fantastic Gmail tips and tricks, they are simply mind-blowing! So, here are ten Gmail tricks and tips to make you a Gmail pro.


Wait what?

Yeah, you heard that right. Sounds like magic but it’s real. You can actually recall a message on Gmail by using “Undo Send”. Here’s how it works; first activate Undo Send, and then use it ASAP when you need to recall a message. There’s a timeframe for its usage, so you have to act fast if you want to recall a message.


We bet you didn’t know you could place a call to any of your Gmail contacts. Sometimes, you may need to communicate urgently with one of your Gmail contacts; Emails may be too snail-paced to do that which is why phone calls are an excellent option. All you’ll need to do is download the Google Talk plugin for hangouts (which brings us to our next tip), get a microphone and speakers, and you are good to go.,

So, how do I place a call precisely?

We knew you’d ask. It’s simple; click the Make a call link in the lower left corner of your Gmail inbox, type the number you wish to call and click on it and voila, your phone call is placed.


Ever thought communication via email was too slow? Well, introducing Google Hangouts. Google Hangouts is a faster way to communicate with any of your Gmail contacts that are online. With this feature, you get instant responses and don’t have to wait for a reply like with Emails. This is how it works; click the Hangouts icon in the bottom left corner of your inbox. Click the name of the person you want to Hangout with, a Hangout dialog box will pop up on the right side of your inbox, and you can start chatting.


Now, this is one life and time-saving trick if you’ve ever missed an important meeting or appointment, just because you were poring through tons of unread emails. Not anymore! Now you can manage both your emails and calendar with the Google Calendar Gadget. This pops up reminders about meetings or appointments as you work your way through your inbox.


Wouldn’t it be such a relief if you could keep unwanted messages out of your inbox? Well, you can do that on Gmail. By using the mute feature, you can stop unsolicited messages from trickling into your inbox. Instead, these messages go into your archives, where you don’t have to see them unless you want to.


We’ll be honest; if you operate several email accounts, it can get pretty hard and chaotic to manage it all at once. It can be time and energy consuming logging into and browsing through your different emails. The good news is you can sync your other emails with your Gmail account and save yourself all the hassle. You can simply sync all your emails into a single inbox where you receive all your emails.


This tip is dead helpful, especially if you suspect that your Gmail account has been accessed by someone else. Google monitors your account usage and keeps a record of your account activity. This record can show you the last time your account was used, including the IP address of the user. To access this feature, simply look at the bottom right corner of your computer screen to see when your Gmail account was last used.


If you’ve used Gmail long enough, you’ll realize that you can only send an attachment of up to 25 Mb as a message. Which is a pretty reasonable size for any attachment but there are times when attachments could exceed Gmail’s specified size limit.

Hmmm, what to do?

For files larger than 25 Mb, use Google Drive to send them. Here’s how it works; copy the file to your Google Drive, then type your message in Gmail. Next, attach the file to your composed message, click the Google Drive icon (if you are unsure what this is, it’s right next to the Attachment icon), insert the file(s) and send!


Before you roll your eyes and say this is a simple trick, don’t forget that this is a handy feature. Turning on your Gmail notifications can help notify you every time you get a new message. The coolest part is that you can fix your notifications for specific messages flagged as urgent or important.


The preview pane form Gmail Labs allows you to see and reply to messages without opening them. You can also customize your preview pane as vertical or horizontal.

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Gmail’s Latest Victory Over Its Rivals Wed, 20 Feb 2019 17:17:03 +0000 You have to admit that there are tons of desktop email clients out there, which sometimes makes it almost impossible for users to make a choice. Not anymore. Gmail has taken its service up a notch, exterminating the competition! As the most popular and widely used email client owned by Google, Gmail is definitely blazing the trail, leaving other email service providers to bite its dust.

It is a known fact that Gmail is used globally by both individuals and organizations. Therefore, it only makes sense that such a widely-used and acclaimed email client provides nothing but the best service. But, if you thought you had seen or heard it all, just wait till you learn what new trick Google has got up their sleeve.

Google just recently announced that Gmail now blocks 99.9 percent of “spam, phishing, and malware from reaching your inbox!

If this news isn’t a jaw-dropper, we don’t know what else is!

Gmail has upped its security game, making it the most secure Email service provider ever! According to Google, Gmail’s new technology blocks approximately 100 million additional spam messages every day. That’s a large number of spam messages for one day, don’t you think?

So, what’s this amazing technology that has made Gmail literally indomitable?

Well, Gmail’s unmatched security is powered by its open-source machine learning framework known as TensorFlow. TensorFlow allows Gmail to block spam messages, including those that used to be difficult to detect. What this means for the average Gmail user is that the odds of getting one of those infuriating spam messages is one to a hundred. You won’t even have to click the “Report Spam” button anymore.

Google’s adoption of TensorFlow has drastically improved its security service and is sure to leave Gmail users more relaxed and happy. As stated by the company, “Using TensorFlow has helped us block image-based messages, emails with hidden embedded content, and messages from newly created domains that try to hide a low volume of spammy messages within legitimate traffic.”

The best part is that TensorFlow is not a replacement of other existing technologies but simply complements them, to give users unbeatable security at all times. Gmail can now block emails with hidden content and even image-based documents.

If there’s one thing Gmail users can be sure of, it’s that none of those sneaky spam messages will be snaking their way into their inbox any time soon, at least not on TensorFlow’s watch. Thank you Gmail!

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Latest Gmail Features You Must Use in 2019 Thu, 17 Jan 2019 21:05:13 +0000 If you’ve always loved Google’s most popular email service, then you are in for a special treat as Gmail has undergone major revamps to give you the best email experience ever. Here are a few new features you will find in Gmail, and we have to admit they are super cool!



To check out this cool feature, place your mouse cursor over an email and you will see a row of options (such as delete, archive, mark as read, and snooze) pop up on the right side of the email’s subject.


With the new Gmail, you can snooze emails. This means you can make an email vanish for as long as you want. After the vanishing time runs out, the email bubbles up as a new email.


If you use Gmail mobile, then you are most likely already familiar with the Smart Reply feature. When you click Reply, Gmail will suggest three suggested responses will pop up. You can add either of these responses to the body of your email with a single click, and save yourself the stress of punching in extra words.


This is perhaps, one feature that Gmail users are going to go bonkers over. This feature allows you to click and open attachments without having to open the entire email. Any attachment appears as an inline prompt within Gmail, so you can just fetch the attachment quickly. We’ll be honest; this feature is a real time-saver.


The Plus mention is also another time-saving feature that Gmail now offers its users. So what does this do? Plus Mentions allow you to add a recipient to the CC field without clicking away from the body of your message. While composing your message and you mention a contact, simply type the + sign and click on the contact’s name or email address from the list. Ta-da! It’s that simple!


Tired of getting a notification every time you get a new email? Including the irrelevant ones? Well, you can heave a sigh with this new Gmail feature. The High Priority Notifications feature allows Gmail mobile users to customize their email prompts according to their preference. So, you could set your Gmail to only notify you about emails flagged as important.


Sounds crazy, right?  But now, Gmail can nudge you every time you or a recipient forgets to take action on any email. We have to admit that this is one fantastic feature because emails are pretty easy to forget.


If you thought all these new features were cool, wait till you learn about the Confidential Mode feature. This feature allows you to send messages confidentially; this means a third party won’t be able to access this message except for the recipient of your message.  You can set a message to self-destruct after a specified time or even revoke it. Another option is to include a password, which the recipient will have to input without accessing your message. Yes, we did tell you this is one cool feature.



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How to Use Gmail – For Beginners Thu, 20 Dec 2018 19:48:42 +0000 Congratulations! Now you are the proud owner of a newly created Gmail account. So it’s time to learn the basics, and you can bet it’ll be fun. Here are some simple things you can do on your Gmail account;

How to Send a Message

This is obviously one of the reasons you created a Gmail account in the first place. Sending a message is easy, simply;

  • Click the “compose” button
  • Enter the recipient’s email address
  • Enter a subject
  • Type the body of your message
  • Then click the “send” button. And you are done!

How to Manage Your Inbox

Managing your inbox shouldn’t be a hassle even if you are new to the trick. Here’s how it goes:

  • Click Inbox on the left of the email screen
  • Select and read the specific message you wish to take action on.
  • Click reply (if you want to reply instantly), then follow the steps for “Sending a Message.”

How to Use Action Buttons

You are probably wondering what action buttons are and what they do. Action buttons are specific buttons located above your messages, and below the search box, they allow you to take any desired action on your messages. Here’s a quick outline of what each of these buttons does and how to use them:

Select Button – clicking on the select button enables you to select one, all, or none of your messages.

Delete Button – the delete button enables you to move a message from your inbox to the “Trash.” Messages in the “Trash” are usually unrecoverable after 30 days. If you unintentionally delete a message, you can still recover it by selecting “Trash,” clicking the message and moving it to your inbox.

Move-to Button – the “Move to” button is handy when you want to move messages from one folder to another, i.e., from your inbox to another folder. To do this, simply;

  • Select the messages(s) you wish to move (you can do this with the select button)
  • Click on the “Move to” button
  • You will see a menu, click on one of the labels you wish to move your message(s) to and your messages will be moved into that label.

Archive Button – clicking the archive button removes messages from your inbox and moves them into another folder titled “archive” where you can view them later. This is a great alternative when you want to declutter your inbox without having to delete messages.

Refresh Button – the “Refresh” button is that action button with a circular arrow (guess you know what button we are talking about now). This button simply allows you to check for new email.

How to Send an Attachment

Sending an attachment on Gmail is as simple as A-B-C. It’s similar to the steps for “sending a message” only with a slight twist;

  • Click the “compose” button
  • Enter the recipient’s email address
  • Enter a subject
  • Type the body of your message
  • Click on the attachment icon (it’s below the “compose box”)
  • This will take you to the “documents” folder of your computer, click on the file you wish to send as an attachment.
  • Select “OK”
  • Then click the “send” button.

So, there you go! Those are some basic tips that can help you get by your first few types on Gmail! Have fun!

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How To Configure Your Email With Outlook (Office 365) Mon, 05 Nov 2018 18:10:14 +0000 Configuring your email with Outlook Office 365 does not require expert knowledge in IT if you have the right information. So, if you’ve been having a hard time configuring your email with Outlook Office 365, just follow these easy steps and you’ll be done in no time;

Step 1

Open Microsoft Outlook and create an email account. If you already own an Outlook account, you can skip this step and move on to step 2.

Step 2

Click on File in the top left corner; this will take you to the “Account settings’ box in the middle, then click on the ‘Account Settings: Add or remove accounts or change existing accounts’ box that appears.

Step 3

Click on the box that appears and select the Email tab or email and then click on “new.” Next, enter your email account and then click on “Advanced options.”

Step 4

Click on “let me set up my account manually and then click “connect.” Next, click on “POP” and enter your account settings. The incoming port should be 587 while outgoing port should be 995.

Step 5

For the encrypted method, check “auto.” Next, check ‘This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL/TLS).’ Do not check Secure Password Authentication (SPA) logon; it is not required.

Step 6

If you already own an Outlook account, you can merge both your new and old account by clicking “select an existing outlook data file.” For a new account, create a new Outlook data file.

Step 7

Select “Next” and input your password, then click “Next.”

Note; Outlook passwords are case sensitive (you probably knew this already)

Almost there, don’t give up!

Step 8

Click on the recently created account and select “Outgoing Server” tab. Then, uncheck the box which reads “Leave a copy of messages on the server.”

Step 9

Click the box ‘remove from server when deleted from deleted message.’ This will help keep your account clutter-free.

Step 10


The final step to configuring your email with Outlook Office 365 is simple;

Click the OK button, then Click the Next button, this will take you to the final page. You will find a “finish” button on this page, click the Finish button and voila, your email has been successfully configured.

Note; if you follow all these steps carefully but still experience difficulties in configuring your email, check if you are logged in via webmail. If you are not, log in with webmail, this will verify your account.

So, you see, configuring your email with Outlook office 365 is a piece-of-cake. Why don’t you get started now?

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Top Email Security Tips Tue, 30 Oct 2018 17:51:00 +0000 Cybercrime has seen an alarming increase over the years, as hackers and malicious users continue to exploit other unsuspecting web users.  This means your Email is at risk if not well secured. While you can amp your Email security with the aid of an Email security service, there are simple email security tips you can also adapt to protect your Email from cyber-criminals. Here are some:


Create a Good Password

If your password is guessable or too simple, it may be time to change it. Date of birth, spouse or pet name is super easy to guess, so they make horrible passwords. Instead, opt for unique passwords (and don’t forget to insert numbers, upper and lower cases), trust us, the weirder your password, the less likely someone somewhere can guess it and gain access into your Email account. Also, if you own more than one Email account, don’t use the same password for all your accounts, it’s a bad idea!

Avoid Public Connections

Public hotspots and computers are hard to ignore and can be very tempting to connect to, but they are a great way for hackers to gain access into your Email. Avoiding public connections and shared computers will keep your system and account safe from hacking.

Secure Your Sent Emails

You just sent a hilarious photo of your dog directly to your cousin via email. What you probably don’t know is that emails don’t travel directly; they go through third-party servers before getting to their destination. This leaves your emails vulnerable and susceptible to hacking by a third-party. To ensure that your outgoing emails are protected, you can enable TLS encryption, place your emails in a zip file or attach a password to your attachment. This cuts off any form of third-party access to your sent emails.

Don’t Click Links in Emails Or Open Unknown Attachments

You’ve presumably heard this tip before, but here it goes again. Links and unsolicited attachments can be dangerous if attended to. You may have received a message asking you to click on a link to enable you to purchase an item or win a price, don’t do it! Anytime you see a link or an unknown attachment in your email, DO NOT click on or open it. This is common bait most of these hackers throw out to trap unsuspecting web users.

Subscribe To an Email Security Service

Cyber-criminals are getting better and more sophisticated, so spending some extra bucks on securing your email is worth. This is why an Email security service is an excellent option if you want to keep your email protected.  Using Email security companies protects your email from both known and unknown threats, these companies use filters and other tools to block and protect emails from spams, malware, and potential risks.



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The Best Email Service Providers Fri, 21 Sep 2018 23:23:41 +0000 Even with the massive rise of social media popularity, email remains a core communication tool. That’s because it brings so much to both, business and personal communications.

Email is relatively safe, secure, professional, and full of features you won’t find on your typical instant messenger. Since it’s incredibly useful, it’s no surprise that the number of email service providers have steadily grown over the years. And while that’s a good thing, it makes the job of selecting one that meets all your needs a little bit more difficult. To ease off that stress, we’ve gone through and found the best Email service providers for your reading pleasure.


Developed by tech giant, Google, Gmail needs no introduction. Virtually everyone has a Gmail account and for a good reason too. Gmail is presented as a decluttered and minimalist webmail solution with an intuitive UI that appeals to both tech enthusiasts and the not so tech-oriented persons. The minimalist interface, however, takes nothing away from Gmail’s stellar line up of features.

With an industry-leading spam block protocol, seamless integration with other webmail providers, and no less than 15GB of storage, Gmail makes a case of being the most versatile email service available today. It’s essentially a jack of all trades.

It’s label-based inbox system instead of the traditional folder-based system may seem a bit confusing at first, but it is definitely something anyone can get used to. Ads also interrupt the otherwise fluid UI experience, but for just $5, users can upgrade to the G-Suite to have the ads removed, along with 50 GB of data and 24/7 complimentary customer support.


Outlook is a more enterprise styled email service provider from Microsoft. It ditches the minimalist approach obtainable on Gmail for a more sophisticated and robust emailing solution. Outlook’s inbox system is programmed to sort and prioritize important emails automatically. You get 15GB of email storage with its standard version, plus the freedom to fully customize your mail to look and feel exactly how you want it.

Outlook’s biggest strength, however, is the level and extent of parallel integration with other proprietary apps. From Skype to Evernote, Giphy, Uber, Yelp and even PayPal, Oulook integrates virtually all the productivity apps you would ever need. Upgrade to office 365 to include the Microsoft Office Suite in addition to 1TB OneDrive allocation and 50GB of mail storage.

Yahoo Mail

Yahoo’s more recent attempt to galvanize its failing email solution was certainly a hit by all standing yardsticks. The new redesigned mail takes note of the simplicity and fluidity obtainable in Gmail and adds a layer of ingenious functionalities hard to find elsewhere

Yahoo mail allows its users to connect seamlessly with their Facebook accounts, send custom text messages and for an added effect, features a disposable mail service to guarantee user privacy. It also ups the ante in the storage department with a 1TB onboard mail storage by default. Sure the experience is not entirely as fluid and intuitive as Gmail, but Yahoo mail’s current lineup of unique features puts it up for consideration.

Last but not least, Zoho

Zoho is the email provider you’d want to subscribe to if you’re a business professional with a specific set of needs. It’s reliable and genuinely all-encompassing. By default, you get an email service designed for the workplace environment with support for up to 25 (or more) users. This is in addition to an impressive cache of workplace collaboration and management tools, including custom software for presentations, spreadsheet management, and document processing. If you subscribe to the paid plan, you get 30GB of storage and a custom domain. All this combined make it an absolute bargain and very useful email provider.

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Outlook Mail: Top 12 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know Sun, 17 Jun 2018 17:43:43 +0000 No doubt, many of us are familiar with Microsoft Outlook. But if by any chance, you live under a rock and you have no idea what Microsoft Outlook is, then don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Microsoft Outlook is a software that manages both the email and personal information of users on a computer. This software is embedded within the Microsoft Office package and apart from managing your email; it has some convenient features such as contacts, calendar, tasks, and notes. Here are twelve exciting facts you probably didn’t know about Microsoft Outlook:

  1. Disable Desktop Alert

Desktop alerts have got to be one of the biggest distractions ever. They notify you every time you get a message, but the point is you don’t need a notification every time you get a message; it’s distracting. However, you can disable Desktop Alert in Outlook, all you have to do is click the Options – Mail – disable “Display a Desktop Alert” option.

  1. Clean Up a Folder

Is your inbox too cluttered? Then, this feature is for you. The “Clean Up” feature allows you to delete multiple messages that have been read and replied, retaining only the unread or important messages.

  1. Manage Public Holidays

If you love public holidays, as we do, you wouldn’t want to miss them for anything in the world. And now, you can ensure that you don’t ever forget any public holidays with Outlook. With Outlook, you can automatically add public holidays from over 100 different locations to your calendar.  To enjoy this amazing feature, select File>Options>Calendar>Add Holidays, and then select the countries you want to add up.

  1. You Can Open Multiple Outlook Windows

Yes, that’ right. Outlook allows you to open multiple windows so you can joggle different tasks seamlessly. This amazing feature allows you to quickly go back and forth between Have you ever wanted to quickly go back and forth between your tasks, inbox, notes, calendars, folders, shortcuts and so on. To access this feature, simply right click the click on “Open in New Window.”

  1. Manage Two Time Zones

So, it’s 2:00 pm in the US but you need to urgently schedule an online meeting with some investors in South Africa, you are not sure what time it’ll be there, and wouldn’t it just be downright annoying video calling someone in the middle of the night? Well, Outlook solves that problem! You won’t even need to Google time zones before making any decision; Outlook can show you two different time zones at the same time. To enjoy this feature, select Options>Calendar>Time zones >Show a second time zone and choose your preferred country. Problem solved!

  1. You Won’t Forget to Attach a File Again

The chances are that at some point in your life, you’ve probably composed and sent an email and forgot to attach the necessary file. With Outlook, you don’t have to worry about remembering to attach a file; Outlook will remind you. Whenever you compose a message that contains the words “attached” or “attachment” and you try to send the email without attaching a file, Outlook will automatically remind you, so you don’t make that silly mistake.

  1. You Can Keep Tabs on Appointments and Reservations

If you receive any reservation or appointment via email, Outlook will automatically add them to your calendar. This allows you to keep track of these without forgetting.

  1. Ignore Conversations

Stuck in an email thread you really don’t want to read? The solution is simple. Rather than deleting the conversation, you can “Ignore” it instead. Using the “ignore” feature automatically sends all ignored messages to the Deleted Items folder.

  1. Never Miss an Important Message

If you’ve been expecting a crucial email, Outlook can help you ensure you don’t miss it. So, you don’t have to stay stuck to your email all day. Simply activate “New Item Alerts”, this notifies you whenever you receive a new message that meets specific criteria. This alert will pop up over any application or task you are doing, ensuring that you don’t miss your message.

  1. @Mentions

One of the coolest things you probably didn’t know about Outlook is the @Mentions feature. This feature allows you to specify contacts you want to get a reply from whenever you send an email to a large number of people. You simply type @ followed by the name of the contact(s) and watch the magic unfold.

  1. Customized Colors

Another interesting thing you probably didn’t know about Outlook is that your email and calendar can apply colors to your emails and meetings based on customized rules. This can help you tell when you are the sole recipient of an email or just one of a dozen recipients. To access this feature go to; View>View Settings>Automatic Formatting, and then you can customize the automatic color feature according to your preference.

  1. Manual Mark as Read

Outlook automatically marks items as read when your selection changes and this can make your inbox unorganized. To solve this go to; Options>Mail>Reading Pane>disable “Mark item as read when selection changes”. And you’re done!

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How to Set Up an Email Account On Your Phone Mon, 11 Jun 2018 23:37:27 +0000 Smartphones have come a long way from their humble origins. A couple of decades ago they were pretty much just answering machines with the sole function of making and receiving calls. Today, they double as digital assistants purposefully built to optimize our workflow and improve productivity.

Amongst other things, this means smartphones can seamlessly sync and update emails on the go. To do this, however, they need to be first configured. Here we show you how to do that.


For Android Phones

Locate the Android Email App

Android phones come with a default Email app (now rebranded as Gmail) to cover for all your Emailing needs. To find it, open your app drawer (or list) and search for Email (or Gmail). Click on the app that shows up, and you should be greeted to a ‘set up an account’ screen, assuming you have not linked any other Email to the phone. If the latter is the case, then you have to click the menu tab on the top left margin of the screen and find the ‘add an account’ button.

Adding an Account

Once you click on the ‘add an account’ button you should see a login splash screen requesting for your Email login details, i.e., your email address and its valid password. If you’re using a modern Android device and adding an account powered by popular email service providers like Google or Yahoo, the login screen should be something you’re already familiar with.

Older phones might display a standard text box. Regardless of which, fill in the correct details and click the sign in button. On successful authentication, your phone should automatically configure the email and download all standing Email settings.

Customize your Email.

Three checkboxes show up after a successful sign-in attempt.

One to notify you when new emails arrive, the other to automatically sync email for your account, and the last one to automatically download attachments over Wi-Fi. Selecting the checkbox for any of these options turns them on. You can also specify the frequency at which emails are synced. Once you’ve customized to your taste, click the ‘next’ button.

Finishing Up

The final screen allows you to specify both your account name (the account name others see when you send an email) and your name as displayed by the Email. Once you’ve specified this, click the ‘next’ button again and your Email is fully set up.


For iPhones

Like Android, the setup process for iPhones is straightforward and simple. Just navigate to settings and find the passwords and account menu. You should see a list of email service providers, select yours. The next screen will ask you for your Email address and password.

Fill out the form and click the ‘next’ button to complete the setup.

Customizing your Email

The next splash screen that shows up provides you with options to customize your mailbox. Select the options you prefer and when you’re done click the save button.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully set up your mailbox on your iPhone.





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